Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Psychopath Test

1/100 people are psychopaths and when you come across them you will want this information in The Psychopath Test so you can identify them instead of being duped by them.

  1. Picking a psychopath without Conscience
  2. WIthout Conscience Audio
  3. Psychopath or Sociopath - #2 Psychopath...
  4. Identifying different Psychopaths - #3 P...
  5. The psyschopath next door
  6. The Wisdom of Psychopaths by Kevin Dutto...
  7. Snakes in Suits - When Psychopaths Go To...
  8. Psychopath Test 1: Body Language of a Na...
  9. The Psychopath
  10. Am I A Psychopath Test 2
  11. The Sociopath
  12. Have you ever met a psychopath? Tell us...

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